Why choose Green Hill Farm?

Cracker Crumbs
Hosta 'Cracker Crumbs' (right)

If one thing is true about hosta buyers, it is that they like to buy hostas wherever they find them. Hosta collectors are really plant explorers. They like to go on hosta adventures to often distant and remote locations in hopes of discovering a new hosta or two unknown to them. Then, if the hosta looks good and the price is right, it is scooped up and carted back home to become "buried treasure" in the backyard.

Yes, hosta buyers buy from everyone; but they are loyal customers, too. They all have their favorite people to buy hostas from and they come back year after year. Some hosta folks order from us through the mail or from the website. Some catch us when we are in their area vending at a regional hosta meeting or the AHS Convention. Some even venture out across this great country to visit me and Nancy here at the nursery. And they come back year after year. Why is that?

First, it is the plants. At Green Hill Farm, we are all about new hostas. Many of the new hostas we offer exclusively are seedlings or sports from our own hybridizing program, many are from other leading hybridizers. And yes, while most of our hostas are unusual or rare, it is the quality of the plants that gives them such value.

Our hostas all come from tissue culture so we know that they arrive at the nursery disease free. They are then grown in a soilless pine bark mix in containers, never in the ground, to further reduce the chance of damage or disease to their roots. We also have an elaborate quarantine and inspection system to prevent foliar nematode infection. All this produces a hosta with the largest and cleanest root system anywhere.

The key to growing high quality hostas is water. Hostas are mostly water anyway. Our automated irrigation system allows us to water our hostas two or three times a day if necessary. This not only reduces any chance of dehydration but also keeps our hostas cool in the summer and keeps them growing. Hostas that keep making new leaves, keep making new roots and larger crowns.

Our hostas are not only as pest free and well grown as we can make them but they are also never divided. That's right, you get the entire plant. That way, not only do our hostas suffer less stress when shipped, they are more resistant to certain types of fungal and bacterial crown rots. So they hit the ground running when they get to your garden.

While it is the plants that keep bringing our hosta customers back, it is also the people. Nancy and I are real hosta people. We eat, breathe, sleep, and dream hostas and we know how much hostas mean to you. From 'September Sun' to 'Guacamole' to 'Ginsu Knife', I have been marketing hostas for 21 years now and many of you have heard my unique insight into the lives of hostas in talks I have given throughout the country.

Whether it is in our hybridizing program, or sports that we find in the nursery or the hostas we introduce for other people, we always select the best, highest quality hostas for our customers. That means we select hostas that grow. Nothing is more disappointing than to purchase a new, expensive hosta only to have it languish in your garden, doomed to a fate of being moved every spring in an attempt to find just the right spot where it may stay with you.

Orange Marmalade

All our hostas are selected to grow well and with the extra head start we give them, should flourish in you garden. In fact we guarantee it. We also guarantee our hostas true to name. If you have any problems with any of our hostas, just let us know. Nancy and I stand behind our hostas.

Why choose Green Hill hostas? Our hostas are of the highest quality delivered to you with a minimum of stress to the plant. We have some of the newest and most exciting hostas on the market. Our plants grow and we guarantee it. Every hosta comes with the experience and knowledge that comes from the Solbergs to you. Thanks to all our long time customers and hosta friends, and if you haven't ordered give us a try. Take a few of our hosta treasures home.

Copyright (c) Green Hill Farm Inc. 2005, 2006
December 3, 2006
